God Delights in Sincerity of Heart

READY FOR LENT? It starts tomorrow - be sure to attend one of the Services of Ashes in your area. I will host one at noon at Lower Marlboro Chapel in Owings MD. And one at 7pm at Mt Harmony UM Church in Owings
In the popular scripture read on Ash Weds, we remember that "God delights in a sincere heart." In other words, the Lord sees your desire to walk in faith and is so happy as you take a single step. Consider today the delight it gives God to see you are on this Lenten Journey. Feel the love of one who Delights in you! Although the world looks at outward appearances, the Lord looks deeper at what resides within our being. This photo is of Lucas Warren, the 2018 winner of the Gerber Baby Photo Contest. The expression of pure joy brings a smile to my face..and causes me imagine that God looks at each of us with such delight. Lucas is actually the first child with Downs Syndrome to be awarded this title, what a valuable testimony that all of God's children are blessed in His sight.