Blessed are the Feet

Perhaps you remember the words of the Prophet Isaiah who declared, "How beautiful are the feet of those that announce the gospel of peace, of those that announce the gospel of that which is good!"
Or perhaps you don't? No matter. According to fellow blogger, Heather of Sprittibee, our feet and our spirituality are intertwined - in fact the Bible mentions "feet" over 300 times. God is the lamp at our feet, who guides our steps, who secures our footing, and gives us a firm foundation to stand on.
Isaiah regarded the feet of those preach as "beautiful". How lovely are the feet of preachers, evangelists, or anyone who speaks words of justice, grace and mercy to a world in need.
I've been known to joke that Isaiah's declaration justifies a pedicure before Easter - but today the scripture came to mind for a humbling reason. I accidently wore two different shoes in public.
It was a simple mistake of dressing in the dark. Getting up early, throwing on gym clothes and walking out the door....only to discover I had on two different shoes.. is pretty much embaressing. Even at my gym which is by no means a "see and be seen" gym, I felt as if everyone was looking at my shoes.
I stopped. I considered taking a detour from the work out and head back home for a walk in the neighborhood with matching feet. But then, instead, I told myself to get over it.. and I snapped a photo.
What makes our feet beautiful is not what we think it is. We think it is matching shoes or painted toe nails - when in fact it is being on the path of life. Sometimes we are on the path of life and are completely unprepared, lacking luster or elloquence, but that doesn't mean God sees us as any less beautiful.
My faith journey continues to be one where i am humbled by God's love for me: imperfect, forgetful and often in a rush. May we never forget that when we are walking in the light of God, we are beautiful.