For me, understanding our "walk in faith" is a personal mission.
When my parents named me "Faith," they set me on a personal quest to understand God. My search has been a journey of forgiveness, grace and trusting in the unseen.
We never walk alone and we were never meant to. The Lord gave us the companionship of His son and one another. I have come to value the importance of making space for all ages to know Christ as Lord and walk as friends on life's journey.
Pastor Faith is a dedicated and passionate pastor with a deep commitment to gospel-based ministries for children and youth.
After almost two decades of pastoral leadership, Pastor Faith has seen the vital role that a church holds in shaping the life of young people. She has enjoyed leading congregations to develop innovative ministries where children grow in love of God and neighbor.
As an evangelist, she delivers engaging and relevant messages that effectively combine core biblical teachings with real-life experiences. Before answering the call to ministry, she worked in television broadcasting and video production which has become the backbone of her work in media ministry.
Upon leaving the United Methodist Church in 2023, she joined the team that launched the Global Methodist Church in the Northeast region of the US. She serves as a Presding Elder in the Global Methodist Church, the Pastor of Family and Youth Ministry at Cedar Grove Methodist (Deale, MD.
Pastor Faith holds a Master of Divinity from Wesley Theological Seminary in Washington DC (2004) and a Bachelor’s degree in Radio/TV Broadcasting from Capital University in Columbus, Ohio (1993).
She grew up in Wooster, Ohio where she enjoyed 4-H, children’s theater and summers as a lifeguard, teaching swimming lessons to children. Her home church was Wooster United Methodist Church. She graduated from Wyoming Seminary in Kingston, Pennsylvania.
She is married to Donnie Wilkerson, who grew up not far from Cedar Grove in Deale. Together, they enjoy a blended family of one high schooler, three adult children, one grandchild and two dogs.