Doubting Thomas
As we grow in our faith, we will arrive at a place where we want our own experience of God. We will desire a deeper relationship with Christ. This may result in doubt. Rather than be discouraged that you cannot overcome your doubts, decide to call upon God for greater faith. Listen on line through SOUNDCLOUD
Easter: Don't Stop Believing
What if the first disciples acted on "fact" instead of "faith" on the first Easter Sunday? To be a person of faith is to not give up when the odds are stacked against us. Surrendering to the unseen hand of God calls us to take great actions on behalf of others. listen on line through SOUNDCLOUD

Message: Saved By Grace Through Faith
Ephesians 2:8-9
Listen on line through the website SOUNDCLOUD
He Gave Me What I Needed

Message: Faith is a journey. Not a Destination
2 Corithinans 5:7 For We Walk By Faith - Not By Sight.
Listen on line through the website SOUNDCLOUD
An interview with Bob and Eva Watson on how the church prayed and supported them during Bob's multiple cornea transplants. His eyesight has returned and his faith is even stronger.