Breaking the Chains
When we talk about habits, we describe the struggle as breaking free from the chains. Certainly it can feel as if a spiritual chain is...

Complex Living?
"Life is simple.. but we insist on making it complicated" Would you agree? Have you let your busy life take over your inner peace? Today...

Take up the Cross
"Anyone can wear one. But can you bear one?" Jesus told the disciples that to follow him, they must deny themselves and take up their...

Amazing Grace
"Twas grace that taught my heart to fear, and grace my fears relieved." A beautiful hymn.. but ever notice the description of fear? The...

Tools for the Journey
Getting out of the wilderness would be a desperate situation if we didn't have tools to navigate it. If you were lost in the woods, you...

Going Through Deep Water?
Picture yourself crossing a river or walking through the deep water of the ocean. Notice how your feet become unsteady? How the movement...

Led Into Wilderness
Lent begins with dust and ashes. Tonight at 7pm we will hold a service of Ashes and ponder the mystery of death and life. The forty days...

God Delights in Sincerity of Heart
READY FOR LENT? It starts tomorrow - be sure to attend one of the Services of Ashes in your area. I will host one at noon at Lower...