Sidewalk Appeal
Ever notice the popular additional banner on real estate signs "I'm beautiful inside"? It's often on the lawn of a home that would go...

Look Up
Yep. I need to look up. I'm one of these who often is looking down at the phone while the world passes me by. In romans 12: "Do not...

An end is a beginning.
Recently, I have heard Joel Osteen say "Where God has put a period, don't put a question mark." The meaning of this is that when...

A Stream of Gladness
This morning, my daily devotional was Psalm 46, a testimony to our divine assurance that when the world seems to fall apart, we do not...

Choose Today
From the beginning, God gave us freewill. Sure, we can do what we we want, but there are consequences. The same goes with our thoughts....

Be Still
Nature has a way of slowing us down and showing us who is truly in charge of our days. As this snow falls gently upon Gods creation, may...

Epiphany: To Make Known
Today Jan 6 is recognized on the Christian calendar as epiphany, which means "to show," "to make known" or "to reveal." In the Gospel...

Cast Your Cares
Jesus said not to worry about the future, but simply take on the task before you this day.. for the work of today is enough. Matthew 6:34...

Be Strong. Have Courage
A new year is a time many will set goals- sometimes prayerfully reconnecting with an innermost hope & dream. That is good. But consider...

New Year. New Lenses.
Physically, our human eyes are incapable of seeing God. Jesus explained to Nicodemus that only by being born again through faith will we...