Perseverance is an attribute of faith. We hang in there by the strength of God's Love. It is Divine Love that inspires us to dream and...

Spiritual Strength
Spiritual Fortitude is not a brute strength measured by how much we can lift.. but rather it is the glorious inner strength that lifts...

The Trouble with Trouble
The trouble with trouble is we make it double. When things go wrong, we often make it worse by how we think about the situation. We...

Trust in The Lord
Psalm 77 describes perfectly what it is like when life's landscape is barren and it seems the ground has shifted beneath your feet. It...

Deep-spirited Friendship
One contemporary translation of Paul's letter to Phillipians reads, "If you’ve gotten anything at all out of following Christ, if his...

Who do we follow?
A bumper sticker reads "Don't follow me, I’m lost too." By our human nature, each of us is lost, in need of direction, and in search of...

Live in Love
"God is love, and all who live in love live in God." 1 John 4:15-17 To "live in love" is to live with humility, kindness, gentleness and...

The end is the beginning
Where do you look, when things go wrong? Do you analyze, criticize or search for a cause? The Apostle Paul writes "Even though on the...

Hope in the Meantime
When the odds are stacked against us, it's tempting to give up. "Against all hope, Abraham believed." Romans 4:18 Abraham had every...

A Stone of Hope
Hope is buried deep, unseen in despair. We can work to move mountains of despair, fueled by our faith that strengthens us daily. Like...