Kids Day Camp before Thanksgiving
No School? No problem! Cedar Grove is hosting a Thanksgiving day camp. Many of our schools will be closed the whole week of Thanksgiving,...

The Lord is My Shepherd
Cedar Grove KIDZ created an artistic depiction of the 23rd Psalm. Cedar Grove Kidz meet Sunday mornings at 10 am and Wednesday 6:30pm at...

Kids Learn Ephesians 6:14-17
Do you remember all the parts of "the full armor of God"? This song will help you learn the verse!

What's Comforting about a Rod & Staff?
The words of the 23rd Psalm provide comfort to people of faith. But have you ever wondered how a rod and staff bring comfort? The rod and...

Don't Lift Yourself Up. Lift Up Others.
Christians have earned the stereotype (unfortunately) of being judgmental and haughty. However, our faith is based in the understanding...

What Pattern are You Following?
A pattern is something you follow carefully in order to achieve an expected outcome. When I was learning to sew, I was drawn toward...

Every Day is Worship.
"I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God,...

What do You See?
Gratitude is an attitude based on our perceptions.

Easter is Not Just a Single Day
Easter is a 50 Day Season - Join me in the daily devotional that will offer you scripture and reflection for each of the 50 days.

Be Kind. Forgive..
"Get Over it.” “Forgive and forget.””I will forgive but I won’t ever forget.” None of these statements is kind, but probably you have...